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Narsai David: Winesong 2014— A Decadent Party For A Good Cause

MENDOCINO (KCBS)— Winesong is my all-time favorite wine event of them all and this year's benefit marks 30 years helping out the Mendocino Hospital Foundation. It takes place in the wonderful setting of the botanical gardens at Fort Bragg, just north of Mendocino.

The gardens are transformed in to a massive party scene where you get a wine glass and a plastic party plate when you check in. Wonder through and enjoy tastes from local restaurant vendors, wineries, bakeries, breweries and caterers. It's endless.

Narsai David: Winesong 2014— A Decadent Party For A Good Cause

Don't forget the music. At a bend in the path you might find a stringed trio playing classical music or a quartet playing jazz.

If you sign up for the auction, it's seated at beautiful tables underneath a huge tent. General admission tickets are $100 and it's for a good cause. Winesong 2014 is September 5th through 6th. For more information go to

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