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Animal Update: Taking Dogs On Summer Road Trips

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS)— Spring has sprung and if you already haven't, it's time to start planning your summer road trips. But what about taking your dog?

Dr. Jennifer Scarlett, co-president of the SF SPCA already has a road trip in the works for her and her dog. She said every summer they go off for a few weeks and have an amazing amount of fun and that it only takes a little amount of planning and preparation.

Scarlett said some of the prep work is basic like making sure your dog is micro-chipped and that it has its tags and a collar on. You should also be sure your dog is up to date on its vaccinations.

You can also call your veterinarian ahead of time to let them know where you're going in case there's something you should be aware of. Some areas have a higher tick population or are places your pet could be at greater risk for heartworm disease, so you might want to have some medication on hand.

Animal Update: Taking Dogs On Summer Road Trips

The rest is the fun stuff, like packing their favorite toy. "I find that a Frisbee works really well for many things; for food water and fun," Scarlett said.

It's also good to remember, especially if you're staying at a hotel, that many require you to bring a crate.

The Dog-Lovers Guide To Travel is available if you check out

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