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Gov. Moves to Postpone CA Water Bond Vote

Just two days after the Secretary of State gave Proposition 18 a number for the November ballot, Governor Schwarzenegger wants to delay the $11 billion water bond for two years.

Governor Schwarzenegger's press secretary, Aaron McLear, says the governor wants to yank one of his signature legacy initiatives from this November's ballot, because he doesn't think the costly bond measure will pass during an economic and unemployment crisis.

"The governor wants to make sure we protect the water bond, and make sure it's as successful as possible, and we believe it will be in a better position to be successful on the next ballot than it will this year in 2010," said McLear.

The state lawmakers who put Prop. 18 on the ballot agree, and will probably move this week to postpone the measure.

Jim Metropulos with the Sierra Club is pleased to hear that, but would prefer the bond not come back in 2012.


"This water bond is a bad bond," said Metropulos. "It doesn't depend on whether it's on the ballot in November 2010 or some other time. The water bond is something that we oppose, and we will oppose it on any ballot."

Metropulos says it's full of pork barrel earmarks that have nothing to do with improving California's water supply.

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