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Fairfax Votes to Ban SmartMeters

FAIRFAX, Calif. (KCBS) - The Fairfax Town Council has told PG&E its SmartMeters are no longer welcome. The council voted unanimously last night to ban installation of the meters.

The vote came despite a last minute promise by PG&E to temporarily stop installing the Smartmeters in Fairfax.

PG&E officials claim the devices, which transmit your detailed power usage wirelessly, actually save energy, but Fairfax vice mayor Larry Bragman argues that kind of data can be used to tell when you get up, when you put your coffee on and when you leave your house.

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PG&E officials have had complaints of meter inaccuracy and concerns over the safety of electromagnetic radiation emitted by meters.

PG&E officials say they have installed 200 of the 8,000 meters planned for Fairfax. The town joins a number of other bodies urging a moratorium on the SmartMeters.

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