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GameDay: Harbaugh's Web

CBS 5 Sports Director Dennis O'Donnell hosts "Gameday" every Sunday night at 11:30pm and offers his unique sports analysis here.

San Francisco (CBS 5) - What a tangled web he weaves. He hides behind a shield when the slightest wind blows. He comes out only to prey on another unsuspecting victim. He doesn't even have a name. But, Spider, as he'll be known for this tangled tale is, perhaps, Jim Harbaugh's closest friend.

The 49ers head coach, who just signed a $25 million contract, drives a chevy truck. It's dirty enough to write "49ers Rule!" on the side panel with your finger. The rookie coach hasn't washed his car in six months because a spider lives behind his driver's side view mirror. The spider, the coach tells us, lives in harmony behind the mirror but comes out to see the coach. Harbaugh, not wanting to ruin a good thing, allows Spider to live in peace without a drop of carwash water to invade his sea of tranquility. Harbaugh admits to talking with Spider, although the intimate details of the conversation are those of Spider and coach alone.

When Harbaugh drives down the road, the web is gone with the wind. But as he showed us today after a production meeting, the web has returned. And because he suspected our doubt, Harbaugh tried to coax his multi-legged friend to come out from behind the mirror. Several of us waited in suspense. Picture, if you would, a group of us huddled around the head coach in the 49ers parking lot waiting for Spider to prove his existence. He never showed.

And so... when the lights dimmed at 4949 Centennial Blvd, Coach Harbaugh drove away in the darkness with his little friend who could care less about who the quarterback is. Harbaugh wondered how long spiders lived. I looked it up tonight. One to two years, depending on it's habitat. So, I'm guessing two years.

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