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Larry Magid: Do You Binge Watch TV? Survey Says You're Not Alone

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS)— If you end up binge-viewing entire seasons of television shows, you're not alone. A new study finds that nearly two-thirds of TV viewers, binge-view frequently and mostly during prime time.

I'm definitely one of them myself. I watched the new season of House of Cards probably in three or four evenings. I love it because you don't have to wait a week for the next show, especially if there's a cliffhanger. Netflix makes this really easy because it automatically goes to the next show. You don't even have to get up off the couch.

There's different ways in which we binge watch. Some people just do it to catch up to where their show is in real time. I didn't even know about the show, Monk when it was actually on the air. It's the show about a San Francisco detective and I fell in love with it. I streamed it and watched the entire series of 100 episodes in a matter of months.

Do You Binge Watch TV? Survey Says You're Not Alone

Binge viewing is a real challenge to the TV networks. They need to find a way to monetize this habit instead of fighting with Netflix, Hulu and HBO Go. They need to figure out how they can get in on the act with their monetization model.

There was an assumption that people binge watch on streaming video service only, but that's not true. With DVR you can record shows and sit down one day and watch four episodes.

Since the future here is still wide open, it remains to be seen how networks, streaming services and advertisers will hash out what is fair and what viewers are willing to put up with when it comes to commercials.

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