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BART Riders Watch As Women Escalate Argument To Brawl On Crowded East Bay Train

OAKLAND (CBS SF) - Some Bay Area BART riders were in no hurry to shut down an argument between two women who started loudly exchanging words on a platform before getting into a knock-down brawl on a crowded train.

In a YouTube video dated December 31st, a red-haired woman becomes outraged while waiting for the train at what appears to be Fruitvale Station. She's asked at one point to hush as other passengers line up for the train. She doesn't. Here's the clip (language is not safe for work):

Pre-quel to BART fight 12/31/14 by Mike Hunt on YouTube

Once the train arrives, riders try to pretend that they are so busy using their phones that they don't even notice the ruckus. But after the red haired woman begins "putting it on blast" for several minutes as the train rides north, she gets in the face of the other rider and a shoving fight breaks out.

Other passengers scatter to avoid the melee and the second woman starts shouting "I'm tired of you" as she pins down her foe on a previously-occupied seat. As the video shows, some women eventually step forward to break the thing up after about 45 seconds. Warning violence and cursing:

According to the TV program "Right This Minute," neither woman was interested in filing charges and they went their separate ways.

Those who experience similar incidents on trains are urged to call 911 or (510) 464-7000. Alternatively, you can use the train intercom to alert BART staff.

It's common for people to ignore loud and odd behavior on BART, but still some riders felt compelled to jump in while others stood back and watched.


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