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SF Presidio's History On Display In Golden Gate National Recreation Area Museum

KCBS_740 SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) -- History buffs got a chance to check out some of the National Park Services objects that are normally kept in storage at the Presidio's archives and museum facility.

The Golden Gate National Recreation Area spans 80 miles from north to south, from Marin County through San Mateo County.

"We have Muir Woods and Mount Tam materials. We have photograph albums from when the Mount Tam railroad was in effect, and we also have photographs from the gravity car that used to take tourists from the top – from Mount Tam Tavern, then it would coast down," Amanda Williford, Curator and Reference Archivist with the Golden Gate National Recreation Area told KCBS.

Williford was understandably excited to show off some things that are normally kept in storage on the presidio and at two offsite facilities.

Things to see during the open house included toy soldiers from the early 1900's, and taxidermy monkey from the Sutro Baths Museum.

Photo binders with nearly every historic picture in the collection are available twice a week and by appointment.

"We do get a lot of people who are really nerdy into the history, which I love. We are big enablers into promoting history," Williford said.

The National Park Service celebrates its centennial this year, and a WWI exhibit will be on display for the next six months.

The open house happens once per year, and Monday is the last day.

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