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Changemakers Invited To Move To San Francisco's Historic Fort Scott Campus

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) -- A piece of San Francisco history is looking to the future and it could transform one of the most beautiful places in San Francisco.

In the Presidio, we took a look at the plans for Fort Winfield  Scott.

It's 30 acres of prime real estate that has sat mostly empty since the U.S. Army left in 1994, but now the Presidio Trust is trying to breathe new life into Fort Scott.

No government organizations are welcome, no foreign organizations are welcome. But who is welcome is an organization with a higher-minded goal, who's looking to better society.

Josh Bagley, with the Presidio Trust said, "The Trust's business model has been primarily to use the real estate assets to generate the revenue necessary to operate the park. But for Fort Scott, we are hopeful we can focus on something more than just a bottom line here."

The Presidio Trust issued a request for concept proposals, hoping to get submissions from mission-driven organizations looking to make the campus a hub for 21st social and/or environmental change.

"We want to hear from individuals and philanthropists, foundations, organizations, universities, in terms of how they would occupy and utilize the campus," Bagley said.

It is the largest undeveloped area in the park. Ten former barracks and 12 adjacent buildings are all set around parade ground green space.

The first two tours for interested organizations hit capacity. So there is clearly a demand.

The renovations won't be easy. It'll cost at least $200 million and all under the strict guidelines of the National Park Service and Presidio Trust. But the Presidio says it's fully prepared to wait a while for the right tenant.

"I think it's a pretty unique opportunity here to build upon the legacy of service whether they can make it happen is the question."

"There's a unique opportunity to build upon the legacy of service and history of Fort Scott, to both innovate and deliver impact at a scale which this country needs at this time."

These proposals are due by June 1 to the Presidio Trust and they will then be presented to the public on July 25th.

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