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High Surf Conditions Create Spectacular Wave Show Along Coast

PACIFICA (KPIX 5) -- With the next Bay Area storm system moving through, the region is also under both a wind and high surf advisory.

The high surf advisory is in effect until 4 a.m. Friday, according to the National Weather Service. People are being urged to not turn their backs on the big waves, especially with the strong undertow and rip currents associated with the high surf.

But that's not stopping people from going out to view the spectacular images of the waves crashing down.

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The large waves hitting the Pacifica Pier on Wednesday attracted gawkers from all over the Bay Area.

"You know it's such a different outlook on everything," said Kathy Gordon, who came from Belmont to view the surf. "You know it's just really fresh, windy. It's very exciting to be over here right now."

To give you some idea of just how big the waves were, the Pacifica Pier is about 40 feet tall, and the waves were hitting the bottom of it.

At times, it looked more like a washing machine than a beach. reported swells of 20 to 25 feet, and reminded surfers before you go out and try to paddle in it, know your limits.

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