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Group Of Foxes Causes Mischief In San Jose Neighborhood

SAN JOSE (KPIX 5) -- A North San Jose neighborhood is dealing with a group of newcomer foxes that have been causing mischief for the last couple of months.

They've caught them on their properties, and one even was bold enough to go in someone's home. They come at night or sometimes in the middle of the day.

For 94-year-old Roy Kawashima, he said his encounter happened in the morning.

"I usually leave the door open," he said. "And he come right through here, I happened to be standing here, and he went all the way around, underneath everything, came around and took off went out that way."

Kawashima is talking about a fox that slipped under his opened garage door, then ran into his living room and behind his TV stand before finally running out.

But you could consider Kawashima one of the lucky ones. Roger Cory said his new neighbors have been mischievous.

"Opportunists, you know," Cory said. "I work with gloves on, I left them out in the backyard and somebody stole them."

It turns out the thieves were the foxes. The animals have become the talk of the neighborhood since they've made the area their new home, which is near Alum Rock Park. The foxes even had babies in one homeowner's backyard.

San Jose Foxes
Photo: Surveillance cam courtesy of Jasmine Puzar

"This is, you might say, a good place to find food," said Cory.

Jasmine Puzar, who caught the foxes on camera, said they've eaten the cat food that she leaves outside.

The foxes don't seem to be afraid of the residents either, often going onto their properties to hunt for squirrels or birds, or casually walking by them. Cory said the neighborhood is filled with squirrels and he believes that's one reason the foxes have taken a liking to the area.

"On top of the fence outside was a fox and he turned and looked at me casual as hell, you know," said Cory.

It's not everyday you have a fox trot through your living room, but the homeowners wonder what their new neighbors will be up to next and how long they plan to stay.

"I don't really have an objection to them, I'm sure that if there's six or eight or nine now there will be more," Cory said. "There may be more to come, yes, come back in a year and we'll let you know how it is."

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